Astrology Calendar

As your portal to the stars, this calendar provides all the major astrological aspects this year. Highlighting every time each star changes signs, as well as every planet moving in and out of retrograde, this astrology calendar is the most comprehensive overview you'll find online. All the aspects mentioned are calculated in Standard Pacific Time and will affect every zodiac sign to a certain degree.

Highlighted in purple are the most important transits.

April 2024
astrological events

This calendar fell into a black hole. Try a different month!

April 1 — Mercury goes retrograde in Aries

No, this is not an April Fool’s prank. The first Mercury retrograde of 2024 starts today, creating chaos and fiery temper tantrums for the next few weeks. This is not a good time to jump into things without thinking them over carefully, as mishaps and miscommunication can make the best ideas go haywire.

April 4 — Venus enters Aries

It’s Spring fling season, and we’re more than ready to get our flirt on when the planet of love enters enthusiastic Aries. This is a great time to shoot our shots as we all become bolder, confident, and utterly charming over the next three weeks.

April 6 — Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius

This aspect brings plenty of good vibes as you are ready to manifest anything you desire. From finishing projects to going to parties, everything you need is within your power.

April 8 — New moon solar eclipse in Aries

This passionate solar eclipse in Aries is just the energy boost we need to change our lives for the better. Shakeups that happen today can lead to personal breakthroughs and intense healing as we move on from one phase of life to another. Brace yourself for an epiphany.

April 10 — Mars in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces

This aspect gives us an extra dose of courage as we go after our desires without fear. Have faith in yourself and you could become more powerful than you could ever imagine. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

April 11 — Sun in Aries conjunct Mercury in Aries

As long as you remember to compromise, this is a great day to take the lead on important projects, as this aspect brings big ideas, passionate speeches, and true teamwork.

April 19 — Mercury in Aries conjunct Venus in Aries

Our words take on new heat as it’s easy to give passionate speeches, confess our love to someone, and be the life of the party! However, be careful with what you say. Things said in the heat of the moment can come back to haunt you.

April 19 — Sun enters Taurus

With Mercury being retrograde, we get an opportunity to get grounded and enjoy the pleasures of life as the sun enters patient Taurus. Over the next four weeks, the energy will be productive, and sensual, but a little lazy as we try to plot our next move.

April 19 — Mars in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus

A great day for pleasure in all of its forms as we’re willing to take a gamble to get what we want. Take risks today—it’s all going to work out!

April 20 — Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

This rare aspect only happens once every twelve years, so don’t miss out on the burst of excitement, adventure, and bold changes that are about to come into your life. Be open to new opportunities and magic can happen. Enjoy!

April 21 — Sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

This aspect can make us all a little grumpy and hungover after the magic of yesterday. Avoid controlling influences in your life or you may find yourself butting heads.

April 21 — Juno goes direct in Virgo

After months of anxiety and fussiness, we are finally able to move forward in our important relationship. Continue to look at dating profiles with an analytical eye, but remember to take care of your loved ones so relationships can grow.

April 23 — Full moon in Scorpio

This intense and dynamic full moon encourages us to take back our power and remove ourselves from people and situations that are holding us back. Take a stand!

April 25 — Mercury goes direct in Aries

After a bewildering couple of weeks, life starts to settle down as Mercury goes direct in the sign of the Ram. The next couple of weeks will be straightforward and confident as we all move forward in our lives.

April 28 — Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces

Allow yourself to dream big today! Put on your rose-colored glasses as you bask in the sunshine of possibility. This aspect is ideal for romance, creativity, and socializing as we’re all eager to enjoy the softer side of life.

April 29 — Venus enters Taurus

Venus is coming home to one of its ruling signs as the planet of love is welcomed in the sensual and luxurious sign of Taurus. Over the three weeks, our finances, love life, and business all get a major boost as we discover what’s truly important in life.

April 30 — Mars enters Aries

The red planet receives a hero’s welcome in fiery Aries. Over the next several weeks, we’ll all be feeling our inner spark more alive as we charge into action with confidence, passion, and enthusiasm.

April 30 — Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius

This aspect can create a power struggle in our relationships as jealousy and obsession could poison the love you share. It may be time to walk away from toxicity and start over with a clean slate.