An easy morning, but things get edgy after dark!

April 30, 2024

At 6:25 a.m.: The moon is sextile Neptune

In the morning, the Capricorn moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces, an imaginative influence. Here, we are super sensitive to the energies in our environment and liable to absorb the emotions of those around us. However, we can still discern boundaries by filtering the vibes through a practical lens. We are empathic, but we’re responsible. We won’t take on others’ burdens, but we can devise ways to help people ethically. 

At 8:19 a.m.: The moon is sextile Mars and the moon void of course begins

The moon then sextiles Mars in Pisces, making us assertive, not aggressive. Others are attracted to our courage and charisma. Harness extra energy to get work done. We can lead the team or be a part of it, as long as there are clear-cut responsibilities and a somewhat flexible time limit. We aim to capitalize on all of our strengths, which include our persistence and creativity.